Megastar Mammootty is back with his next hit. The film, '18am Padi' is also being released in the first weeks of July, following its arrival in June. Fans are also excited as all the successive films have been good in theaters and box office.
The big budget movie is set to hit theaters this year. However, Malayalam cinema lovers and Mammootty fans are waiting for Amal Neerad's Bilal. After the film was announced, there was no further information. But there are rumors that Bilal's shoot will start this year.
Mammootty's Bilal Kurishankal will be playing the role of an older man. However, the director says that it will be a stylish get-together and will be a bigger mass than Big B. The film is mainly shot from Kochi. The story of the Big B begins with the murder of Mary John Cruising, known as Mary Teacher, a social activist in Kochi. Four children, adopted and raised by Mary Teacher, attend their funeral. The eldest is Bilal, who wages in Kochi. After killing another goon, Bilal and Mary teacher separated. The second is Eddie, who lives with his teacher. The film centers on the four brothers' drive to find their mother's killer.