18am padi is the latest movie to release for the megastar Mammootty. Shankar Ramakrishnan's first directorial debut will hit the theaters on July 5. Mammootty will star alongside Unni Mukundan, Prithviraj and Arya in the film.

Mammooka will be playing the guest role of John Abraham Palakkal. Reports have been released about the trailer release of the movie as it is getting ready for release. Reports suggest that the trailer of the this movie will be releasing on June 27th.

This movie have a theme of social importance. Shankar Ramakrishnan is also known for his story of survival. More than 60 newcomers are also appearing in the film. The director has made the Pathinettam padi with great emphasis on action scenes.

Famous action choreographer Ketcha Kombady has prepared the action scenes. Priya Anand, Sania Ayyappan, Ahana Krishna, Biju Sopanam and Mala Parvathi are the other main stars of the film. Sudheep is the cinematographer and KM Hashif is the music director. Editing by Bhuvan Srinivas.