If we wants a movie with Mammookka, he will be with us! Pisharodi says about his experience with mammookka

Ramesh Pisharody is happy that the he can make a movie with Mammootty. Fans have been strongly supportive of his latest movie, which has earned him the coveted heart of audiences through mimicry venues. Even when he went from television to film, he had that sense of humor. As an actor, he was active in television shows. He was a guest, anchor, and immortal.
As he went on to become an actor, he spoke of the ambition of the mind. He pursued his dream of making his own film. It was achieved through the Panchavarnathatha. The movie which starred Jayaram and Kunchacko Boban was a positive response. Both the fans and the film world have said that he has high hopes as a director. As the first film became a hit, fans began asking him about his next film.
Pisharadi said that the next film was in the works and would be announced soon. He also said that he is planning to make a movie with Mammootty as the hero. He made it clear that he was waiting for the song. The film has been scripted by Ramesh Pisharody and Hari P Nair. The filming of the film is on its way to its final stage. It was in the meantime that he came to talk about his experience with Mammootty.
Since Ramesh Pisharadi has said that Mammootty is the hero of his next movie, fans have been intrigued. They also asserted that the Pisharodi and the megastar, which are approaching something different, were not going to be a retail event. The director of the film came out on the eve of the shoot.
The casting call was called by the crew to look for the heroine of the movie. The incident went viral via social media. The director said that they will be playing the female lead opposite Mammootty. Vanditha is the heroine of the movie.

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