Mammootty is one of the Malayalam actor. He made his film Anubhavangal Palichakal. The actor, who started out as a villain and co-star, was later promoted to hero. With this, his career changed. He also had the opportunity to work with leading filmmakers. So many characters did he come across during his three-decade film career. He must insist on films being different. When people come to tell the story, he is asked about the variation in resolution. He prefers movies with no distinction of newcomers or acquaintances.
His birthday is September 7th. Talk about upcoming movies, surprises and important decisions for birthdays is making its way through social media. Meanwhile, he has set a new record for himself on Twitter. Mohanlal's fans ravecard on his birthday has become a legend
50 Days To Megastar Mammooka Birthday hashtag has become a trend ahead of birthday. This is the fastest hashtag of 1 lakh tweets and 2 lakh tweets from Malayalam cinema. This hashtag is reaching 3 lakhs. Mammootty is stepping on to 68. Fans are also wondering what the day would be like if it was a matter of pre-birthday.
His birthday is September 7th. Talk about upcoming movies, surprises and important decisions for birthdays is making its way through social media. Meanwhile, he has set a new record for himself on Twitter. Mohanlal's fans ravecard on his birthday has become a legend
50 Days To Megastar Mammooka Birthday hashtag has become a trend ahead of birthday. This is the fastest hashtag of 1 lakh tweets and 2 lakh tweets from Malayalam cinema. This hashtag is reaching 3 lakhs. Mammootty is stepping on to 68. Fans are also wondering what the day would be like if it was a matter of pre-birthday.