Goodwill Entertainment is one of the leading production houses in Malayalam. The project was launched with the aim of providing the kind of film the audience wants. Joby George says that movie lovers are the pillars of Goodwill and there are no fans. He opened his mind during an interview with Online People. He believes this is a group of millions of film lovers. He is from Akshanagari. He says that all the films they have done with the blessing of God have been successful.
He has been very supportive of the debut director. He wants it to come and join them, if it comes along. He says he is the one who remembers if someone did something to him. Unni Mukundan made his film debut. Relationship like brother. Ranji Panicker and Nithin are very popular. The latest movie Shylock's Pooja was held recently. Mammootty had earlier said that he would be seen as an interest in a hairdresser. Continue to see what Joby George has to say about Shylock.
Shylock is one of the most awaited films for megastar fans. Ajay Vasudev's movie Pooja was recently held. Mammootty and Ajay Vasudev reunite after Rajadhiraja and Masterpiece. The film is being produced by Goodwill Entertainment. This is a film made on a large canvas. The film is making the most investment. He is a favourite of the UK. London rejoices him every time. Shylock is more attached to London when it comes to shilling. It is God who has brought Raj Kiran to Sir and he hopes that it will be a success for Malayalam cinema. He treated himself like his brother. Mammootty said about him. He is also behind Meena's arrival.
Shylock is a film with an emotional family background. When asked about the fight scenes in the film, he said, "Do not be afraid. Shylock will have Mammootty's memorable performances and family-friendly scenes. He is involved in everything related to cinema. It was supposed to sit for 10 minutes to hear the story of the movie but it lasted for two and a half hours. He thinks this is the next megahit.
Mammootty and Joby George have been working together for some time now. Shylock is the third film of their partnership. He has known him for years. He will also do films with other celebrities. 3 films have been committed. Shylock is about to start, he says.