Madhura Raja, the Mammootty starrer, which hit the theatres in April 2019, had emerged as a huge blockbuster at the box office. The movie, which was one among the major Vishu releases of the year, is all set to revisit the audiences during this Onam season. Madhura Raja will be making its television premiere soon and that too as an Onam special movie.
Reportedly, Madhura Raja's satellite rights have been bagged by Zee Malayalam and the film will premiere on September 1, 2019 at 5:30 PM. The promos of the film's television premiere are already out and the audiences are quite excited to watch this blockbuster movie yet again.
There has been a huge wait surrounding the film's DVD release. Interestingly, Madhura Raja's DVDs aren't out yet and at the same time, the film has not been released in any of the OTT platforms as well. So, Madhura Raja will be making a direct television premiere.
There has been a huge wait surrounding the film's DVD release. Interestingly, Madhura Raja's DVDs aren't out yet and at the same time, the film has not been released in any of the OTT platforms as well. So, Madhura Raja will be making a direct television premiere.