Mamankam is a movie that has been waiting for the big screen. Mammootty's upcoming film will be releasing soon. Currently, the final phase of the Big Budget film is in progress. The first look and the second look, which have recently become commonplace, have become a wave. Everyone is looking forward to seeing Mammootty's next super hit this year. Megastar is back with history cinema. Everyone thinks that Mammookka is like the Pazhassi Raja. Meanwhile, a new report on the film has gone viral on social media.

Unni Mukundan will be playing the lead role along with Mammookka in Maamankam. The actor is playing the role of Chandroth Panicker in this film. The movie is also being released in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi languages. The film was started by Sajeev Pillai but was later taken over by M Padmakumar. The film was shot in huge locations in various places.

In the first look poster, Mammookka and Unni Mukundan were shown, while the second look poster featured Prachi Tehlan. The third poster has become a wave on social media. Apart from Prachi Tehlan, Anu Sithara and Kaniha are also doing heroines.

There are reports that the film is being made with the theme of Thiruvannamayi Manappuram. Reports have also surfaced that the film is set in a historical context. In the first poster, there were hints that Mamankam would be a big action movie. But the second poster hints that this is not just a story of suicide.

Mamankam is known to be an important film for female characters. Reports also suggest that the new poster, which is of a song. This Mammootty film also gives importance to songs. M Jayachandran who composed the music is also making songs for the movie.