One of the best films of Mammootty's career, Abrahaminte santhathikal got good reviews at the box office as well. The film was packed with news from the time of its announcement. Mammootty's Getup and Entry and the story of the movie have been well received. Abrahaminte santhathikal was also Shaji Padur's debut film with years of experience. Anson Paul played the role of brother and the megastar as Derrick Abraham. Kaniha, Kalabhavan Shahjohn and Ranji Panicker were all in the cast.
The film was a wave of Kerala on its very first day. Fans were delighted when news surfaced that the collection was ahead of its time. But the fact is that the original collection of the film has not yet been released. Joby George made this statement during an interview with Online Peeps. The producer did not come up with the Collection Report even after it was reported that the film was in the top grocers. When asked about this, he gave the correct answer.
Joby George says he has no faith in figures and numbers. "I would love to see the movie and see people coming to the theaters for two to three weeks," he says. All the films made so far have been profitable. Joby George has stated that he will be grateful to the audience and will continue to talk about it. When asked about the takeover of Kunjali marakkar , he replied that he did not tell anyone and that he will join Goodwill with August Cinemas.