Recently, Mammootty's film Gangandharvan was released. After the Panchavarnathatha, everyone was waited for the next movie to be directed by Ramesh Pisharody. Meanwhile, Pisharody has announced that Mammootty is the next hero. The film was titled as Ganagandharvan. After a long wait, the movie has hit the theaters and is well received.
Mammootty is playing the role of singer-songwriter Kalasadan Ullas. Mammootty fans are happy to see him reunited after a while. Suresh Krishna, Devan and Sajan Palluruthy also acted in the movie. There were only a few scenes but they got a full glove. The movie is a successful movie.
All of Ramesh Pisharadi's shared posts on social media are going viral in the moment. Now he is sharing an interesting scene in the film. Pisharadi shared the headline that Ullas was collecting money. Sajan Palluruthy is also in the scene. Sajan had said that the closing clause was worth the Rs 15 lakh withdrawal. When he was told that some new investment plans were coming, he replied that it was good. The scene went viral on social media