Mammootty's directorial debut with Shankar Ramakrishnan's Pathinettam padi was to get a good reception in theaters. The film was released with huge fanfare. After the Mammootty film Unda and this film got a good audience response. This was Shankar Ramakrishnan's first directorial venture in Malayalam as an actor and screenwriter. Mammookka's presence in the film has been a big highlight of the film. Earlier, there were reports that the superstar was in the Pathinettam padi in a guest role. As the 18am padi of the journey continues, new collection reports of the film have been released on social media.
John Abraham Palakkal is the hero of the movie. Mammootty's John Abraham Palakkal received a very good reception in theaters. There have been reports that the film has mass scenes and action scenes. He has acted in 38 minutes. It is Mammookka who has become a decisive factor in the success of the 18am padi. Prithviraj Sukumaran, Arya and Unni Mukundan will be appearing in the 18am padi along with megastar. The film was released on July 5 in over 200 theaters. It is also known that the film was made with great emphasis on songs.
The pathinettam padi was a three-day multiplex collection that came out on social media. The collection was released in Cochin Multiplex and Thiruvananthapuram Plex. Reports indicate that Cochin Plex has gained 12.86 lakh Pathinettam padi in three days. On the third day, the megastar took 3.99 lakh occupants with 77.76% occupancy. Thiruvananthapuram multiplex has got the most collection. Reports indicate that the collection has reached 18.94 lakh in three days. On the third day of the movie, Thiruvananthapuram plux had acquired 5.27 lakh occupancy with 66.65% occupancy. It was a Sunday, so the film was able to gain in the collection. Forum Kerala has revealed the 18am padi multiplex collection.