This is the first year that Mammootty has received Rs 100 crore in his career. The actor achieved this feat through the eagerly awaited film Madura Raja. Madhuraraja was in theaters in Kerala and outside the state. Now Raja has been translating into Tamil.
The first poster has been released in Tamil. Mammootty and actor Jai have been featured in the poster. Madurai Raja's remake is not only in Tamil but also in Telugu. 'Raja Narasimha' is a Telugu film. The right to translate into Chinese and Malaysian languages has also been transferred.
Madura Raja is the second part of Pokiri Raja 2010 release directed by Vaishak. The script was penned by Udayakrishna while Vaisakh directed him. The film, produced by Nelson IPE, has grossed over Rs 80 crore in Malayalam alone. 100 crore from other businesses.