Mammootty is in Malayalam cinema with different films. It is interesting to note that without his release the festive season could not be imagined. He have a onam release by fixing that deficiency. It is reported that Ramesh Pisharadi's second film, Ganagandharvan, will hit the screens in Onam. This is a movie that has been in the news from the beginning. This time the megastar is coming up with a character that has not been revealed yet.

Mammootty is playing the lead singer Kalasadan Ullassa. It was reported recently that he is taking a break from the film. He has a lot of films ready for him. Each time he comes up with a different storyline. Fans have been waiting for the song. Vanditha is the heroine of the movie. The director and his team are sharing the good news about the film.

Ramesh Pisharody has just shared a new photo of Mammootty. Fans have been wondering who the baby girl is with him. The megastar has been spotted in a trendy look. The photo was shared by Ramesh Pisharody. It has already been revealed that the actor will be playing three different get-togethers. As the new films arrive, so are the expectations of the film.